May 1, 2016

human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high

Watching the human centipede 3 😩
the human centipede 3 was so trash.
thought watching the human centipede would be a good idea. didn't know it would ruin my life.
Human Centipede 2 Has a dope boss that jumps nugs
"Anus today, Oscar tomorrow!" -the cast of Human Centipede
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high sarahcanningxo
Human Centipede 2 Does a phat gangsta that tricks farts
I should not have gotten as I excited as I did just now when I saw "the human centipede 3" is on Netflix.
Dont ever, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, let your friends convince you to watch the human centipede with themπŸ˜·πŸ”«
When your idea of a fun Saturday night is watching the Human Centipede completely sober πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
HusbandSo you don't want to watch the Human Centipede? MeNo, but I'd be fine with watching Horton Hears a Who.
tell me why I'm watching the human centipede with kam
Human Centipede 2 Knows a damned cash that smokes thugs
Human Centipede 2 is one of the most brutal things I've seen. Makes me sick to my fucking stomach.
And my sisters would talk me into watching the human centipede😳😬 lets see what this is about πŸ€”
"I felt like I had to go to church after that." -my sister talking about The Human Centipede
Teacher "I want to teach my student that bullying is bad." *thinking* "Yuup, let show 'em Human Centipede!!" 😱😱
You kiss my fucking ass, human centipede
I will never sleep again after watching the human centipede.. watch at your own risk 😭😭
It's like taking your 5 year old son to the theater and watch Human Centipede, fuck off man use some logic

The Human Centipede trilogy would have done better if it'd more clearly catered to foot fetishists.
Human Centipede is killing my intestines.
Human Centipede 2 Wants a damned ho that eats thugs
human centipede? depends on what type of crying youre tryna do
Oh look Human Centipede is on Netflix and I have nothing better to do
Nw The Human Centipede 😡
"I would love to be the first in the human centipede line." #amandastarr
The Human Centipede III is slightly better than the second one, but slightly worse than the first.
I don't supposed anybody has mentioned 'Human Centipede' on this thread ?? #AddInTheButtToAMovieTitle
After seeing "Human Centipede", I was praying that "Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" technology was real!
try human centipede I hear it's a classic
I know I'm like years too late but good grief how was Human Centipede even made?
"Human Centipede"! It's horrible! OMG!!!! Gross!
Human Centipede 2?!!! OMG! I made the mistake of attempting to watch the original "Human Centipede"! Some things c/n b unseen
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high TumblrAddicted6
Human Centipede 2 Is a poopy guy that programs slugs
the human centipede actually isn't the most disturbing or emotionally upsetting movie i've ever seen tho
why would u ever show the human centipede 2? what class was this? what was 2 gain? why would u show 2 nd not 1? im gonna be kept up at night
there's an fb trending story abt how a teacher got suspended for showing the human centipede 2 in class and im just strugglin w this rn
human centipede is the best movie trev
Human Centipede 2 Wants a straight ride that programs trucks
But will it be a worse sequel than Human Centipede 2?
Watched the human centipede along time ago and I will FOREVER regret it 😷😩 I hope none of y'all ever watch it .
."human centipede is spooky, I wouldnt want to watch that. a giant centipede with over a hundred legs??? bleh" innocence exists
And with a title like 'Human Centipede', regardless of which one it was, you have to have an idea what you are in for. Lol.
My cousins are watching the human centipede and I just ate I want to puke
can't believe a teacher showed his students HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 in class. How could they appreciate it without having seen the first one first
Just watch human centipede 1.
Emma-"I call the middle piece of the cake" ally-"if you have the middle piece there you have to be the middle piece in the human centipede"
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high ets_phone_home
Why did I watch the human centipede 3 😢
Human Centipede 2 Knows a poopy trick that dances hugs
I love that you literally searched the human centipede teacher
I think watching the human centipede was one of the worst decisions of my life 😷😷
Apparently some teacher was suspended for showing the human centipede 2 in their class πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
In fairness, there are many educational values to showing grade school kids a Human Centipede movie. For one, they'd learn about centipedes!
I can't leave my room because my dad is binge watching the Human Centipede movies downstairs. Help.
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high HeavenOfHorror
"The Human Centipede 2Tennessee High School Teacher Suspended for Showing Movie to Class" my hero
Some teacher in Tennessee showed Human Centipede 2 to his students? lol what a twisted fuck, my god.
Lol a teacher at a H.S in Tennessee showed the human centipede 2 and got suspended.
. dude can we get a human centipede video game?
Dieter Laser is completely unhinged in The Human Centipede III and it's too much.
all of the human centipede movies
I was able to watch The Human Centipede 1 and 2 without vomiting... Whether or not I will be able to do that with the 3rd one is debateable
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high MonikaVoynova
If you're having a bad day rememberat least you're not the middle of the human centipede
Anyone down to Netflix and chill the human centipede
Human Centipede 2 Knows a hot gangsta that eats cuts
I have a high mental/emotional capacity for gore/all things disturbing. That being said, Human Centipede 2 & 3 took me out my comfort zone.
yes, cause we needa watch human centipede 2
i just watch human centipede 2
have u seen human centipede? :)
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high junhuisus
5 minutes into the human centipede 2 and i already want to throw up :(
hahahaha Tennessee teacher suspended for showing The Human Centipede 2 in class lmaao.
Tennessee teacher suspended for showing The Human Centipede 2 in class lmaao.
Nahhh some HS Teacher showed his class Human Centipede 2 πŸ˜‚
I have decided that Star Wars is actually a Human Centipede, The first trilogy is the head, the second the center, and the third set the ass
I've disagreed with movies my kids have been shown in class but Human Centipede!!! SERIOUSLY! NO ONE should be forced to watch that! SMH 󾌒
Katherine just said she loves the movie human centipede ????? Who says tht
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high RumneyChad
Human centipede 3...... Talk about the shittiest movie yet intertaining
If you're looking for something nearly similar to to the human centipede go to drpimplepopper on Instagram πŸ˜…
The second human centipede has scarred me psychologically for eternity
"Why is donald trump a human centipede" "Because he can kiss my ass" yo
Here comes The Human Centipede III, which looks like it'll be a little bit better than the second one.
A school teacher was suspended for showing his class "Human Centipede 2," which violated the policy of starting trilogies at the beginning.
Human Centipede 2 Does a cold slut that smokes jugs
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high TheDarkElves
Human Centipede is the most disturbing movie everπŸ˜•πŸ˜΅
"this teacher got suspended for showing The Human Centipede 2, which is hilarious because they should watch the first"
#UnbreakableKimmySchmidt has a poster for Human Centipede 5A Need to Peed. Awesome.
Celebrating the day Human Centipede come out 6 years ago, by watching all three movies!
ok guys whatever u do DO NOT WATCH THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE ON NETFLIX its disturbing and unstable!!
has anyone here ever watched the human centipede idk if i should watch it
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high TheDarkElves
Wtf Lmaoo a teacher got suspended for showing that disgusting movie Human Centipede to her students πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
The #WHCD is one big circle jerk. Or is it a human centipede. I can't keep track anymore.
Human Centipede 2 Is a dope trick that programs cuts
I think he's building a #humancentipede (first sequence, obvsly) #chihuahua #chiweenie #weird #weirdisgood #doglife
Bridget and Dylan are bonding over the human centipede help
i liked the human centipede move
Why would you play The Human Centipede 2 in any circumstance?
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high FightingOwlFilm
Human Centipede 2 Has a dirty boss that smokes butts
I thought The Human Centipede was pretty good. Better than The Revenant!
Ways to bond with your s/o: • give them a plot synopsis of all 3 human centipede movies •
a high school teacher got suspended in Tennessee for showing human centipede 2 to his class. LOL WHY
This OKC Spurs game is getting disgusting to watch. I mean Human Centipede - hard to watch.
Shoutout to the idiot teacher who thought it was ok to show The Human Centipede 2 to a bunch of high school kids.
I heard the human centipede is disgusting. I'll see for myself.
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high Sastriyana
I really thought I could eat dinner and watch The Human Centipede, jokes on me
As much as you want to hate on us brown people remember who thought up human centipede
I just watched the Human Centipede trailer and it's probably the most disturbing thing I have ever seen
A high school teacher in Tennessee was suspended for showing Human Centipede 2. What the hell was he thinking?
Human Centipede 2 Does a trippy ho that digs bucks
27 Dresses For My Human Centipede #ScareAChickFlick #100HumanCentipedeJokes
"I think I have a different view of what a human centipede is. I picture it like a conga line..." -Maggie #katysbacheloretteparty 😱
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high yagirlnands
making Justin watch the Human Centipede πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Haha a high school teacher in Tennessee got suspended for showing her class the human centipede 2
I personally blame the movie, The Human Centipede, for my generation's obsession of ass eating..
Watching The Human Centipede for the first time. I love horror movies but this is making my want to vomit.
Oh my god a high school teacher in Tennessee showed Human centipede 2 to their class and got suspended for it
Man, I wish they showed Human Centipede 2 while *I* was in high school.

started watching the human centipede , & it's stupid asf πŸ˜’
Human Centipede 2 Is a hot raver that sucks bucks
films we'd be watching. No one had a problem, but none of the films were Human Centipede.
"The Human Centipede 2Tennessee High School Teacher Suspended for Showing Movie to Class" jesus
Some teacher in Tennessee got suspended for showing her students The Human Centipede 2 in class. That's actually really humorous.
I've never watched #HumanCentipede and I've still had several nightmares about it.
Article about teacher showing Human Centipede 2 in class gets a big whyyyyy from me.
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high trishtaIk
Yeah, ok. I'm not crazy. But I don't think there would be a problem with showing Alien to 17 year olds. Human Centipede...
watch the human centipede you'll never forget it πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
If you want to join the Marines, remember that playing Human Centipede is now part of your training.
i am watching the human centipede, and i am honestly so DISGUSTED
The Human Centipede is even in the playground! At least there is somewhere to sit whilst having lunch.
You ain't went through Facebook until you've seen Facebook weigh in on the story of the teacher who showed kids THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2.
A teacher showed Human Centipede 2 & got suspended like why!? Why would show Human Centipede 2 without showing the 1st I too am outraged lol
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high elliesolitaire
Things that are hard to watch -Human Centipede -Genital Surgery -TeamFourStar Season 1
"The Human Centipede 2Tennessee High School Teacher Suspended for Showing Movie to Class"
The human centipede of what passes for deep thought w/ Alt-Right chuckleheads. Idiot#1 quotes #2, and #3 posts it as 'news'
Someone told me to watch The Human Centipede.😐
They tried to get me to watch the second Human Centipede. They TRIED. I was like nope. I'm outtie.
A high school teacher was suspended for showing a class Human Centipede 2. I call bullshit. It's the first one that's medically accurate.
Can't stop laughing at the fact that some teacher made his students watch human centipede 2
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high _queensmitty
Anyone ever heard of this movie - "The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)"?
I watched the human centipede out of curiosity. How can a Japanese guy end up in Germany?
we're watching the human centipede i HATE
$1 to whomever asks Boehringer what he thought of "Human Centipede".
Eeriest customer who comes in my shop asking personal stuff acts, speaks and looks like the guy in Human Centipede 2
or you could fucking kiss my ass, human centipede
Uh..what? High school teacher suspended for showing "The Human Centipede 2" to his class.
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high Preciosa_Liz
haven't you heard of human centipede 5need for pede
me jess clara & domi are watching the human centipede together I hope i die
Human centipede is so weird
The Centipede Human is a terrifying movie for bugs.
For the record, I would never show HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 to anyone, including to myself.
I'm watching the Australian version of Wilfred and I feel as uncomfortable as I did when I watched the human centipede
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high WurstlErna
why are the human centipede movies even allowed onto Netflix jfc
Doggo/'human centipede'/black ink and water paint... [yeah, that's ] #art #drawing
Seems a high school teacher in TN showed "Human Centipede 2" and has been suspended. Really? What was this person thinking?!
wow good job the teacher dont give a shittttt. bouta watch human centipede 2 with my nephew hes 4
Watching The Human Centipede is something I deeply regret. I didn't want to watch it, but peer pressure sucks. I'm off to go cry in a corner
I watched the human centipede for the first time ever and I want to stab my eyes out now
this human tree shook the human centipede
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high BusinessNewzzz
I'm Watching The Human Centipede, It's Such A Messed Up Film😷😷
Seamus's sister is actually an evil mastermind. She's planning on how she would keep a human centipede and how to feed them
human centipede 2 fuck that.
Annie watching human centipedeI'd rather have one of you lots' bum poos than an old mans bum poo #friendshipgoals πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
A Teacher Thought It Was a Good Idea to Show The Human Centipede 2 in Class, But It Really Wasn't A Tennessee teac...
One of the prisoners in The Dark Knight is a prisoner in human centipede 3. Wonder if it's the same character?
"We don't have to deal with their shit anymore, they just have to deal with each others!" -The Human Centipede 3
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high BusinessNewzzz
orphan,evil dead (the remake), the omen,poltergeist (82), human centipede,the hills have eyes, wrong turn..I got a list πŸ˜‚
Surely the teacher who showed The Human Centipede just got it mixed up with The Hungry Caterpillar.
I watched the human centipede 3 and i----
The Human Centipede is so gross 😷😭
There's a human centipede 3 πŸ’€........
That teacher who showed their class The Human Centipede 2... haha what a douche.
personally still recovering from the human centipede and all manner of korean horrors the husband has made me watch!
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high BusinessNewzzz
The Human Centipede has to be the most boring film I've ever watched. It's just too ridiculous to be scary or even disturbing
I want to see a movie that's a cross between The Hangover and The Human Centipede.
have you seen all of the human centipede films?
My dad is forcing my family to watch Human Centipede please help me please I'm crying
Human centipede 5need for pede
Might watch human centipede 3 for a laugh
omg i see now i thought it was like an actual human centipede kinda diagram
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high Arlene_Bartlett
so I still think that the human centipede is the most disgusting film I've ever watched but the re animator is a close second #horrormovies
welp the Human Centipede is......pleasant
melaughs while watching the human centipede & any other horror movie also meflinches and hides while watching courage the cowardly dog
Netflix is taking the best movies off in efforts to make it more "kid friendly" but they keep Human Centipede 1, 2 and 3 on #goodone
My sister has her mate staying over tonight and I'm being a top brother by getting them both pissed and watching the Human Centipede πŸ˜‚
Human centipede and chill?
Bored so I'm going to watch The Human Centipede
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high adnan_mecibah
lowkey human centipede shit
Human Centipede 5Need For Pede
Need inspiration for a weekend project? πŸ˜‰ #IKEA #horrorfan #HumanCentipede
Human centipede is probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life
Can't believe there a human centipede 3πŸ™ˆ
is this because it spoiled human centipede 1 for those who hadn't seen it?
"Human Centipede convinced me to be a biomedical engineer"
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high nofri_Xtian
Time to see what this human centipede movie is all about
Tonight is the night I finally watch The Human Centipede. Fear not Twitter, I shall keep you informed of how it goes
Is there anything beyond curiosity about level of sickness to make viewing Human Centipede worthwhile?
the human centipede you? X
Just watched human centipede 2 and its fucked up my whole life.😷😷😷
nothin better than human centipede
AFD Human Centipede in southern germany....
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high AaronDavies1977
I s2g I'd beat my rassclart teacher to the ground if someone tried to make me watch the human centipede in lesson
Teacher suspended after playing human centipede 2 for class #news #market #business
will you stream the human centipede video game on twitch?
#ItsStrangeBecause this wasn't the human centipede I had in mind
Apparently some teacher in Tennessee was fired for showing the class The Human Centipede. Why the Hell would you do that?
High school teacher in america suspended for showing his students human centipede them poor students watching such a fucked up movie😣😣😣
#IfIMadeAMovie it would be about an inspirational tweeter on the run from my human centipede
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high AnnaKaling
Teacher Suspended After Playing Human Centipede 2 for Class #Uncategorized
looks like the human centipede of passive aggressive butt play and anal bdsm
#BritainsGotTalent I'm just waiting on the day I see a human centipede on this with a determined German doctor sewing the judges together
i wish i was part of the human centipede with a bunch of hot ladies to shit in my mouf
I just read the wiki for human centipede 2 i don't know why and i regret everything
wtf some teacher in america was suspended for showin their high school class The Human Centipede 2 lmao
Teacher Suspended After Playing Human Centipede 2 for ClassAnd you thought your high school experience suckedSome unlucky (or may...
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high PiFiZone
I'm making Nathan watch the Human Centipede 3 with me or it's not real
#USnews. Teacher Suspended After Playing Human Centipede 2 for Class /#news
a hs teacher got suspended for showing his students human centipede 2. my question is why he only got suspended.
World record for surviving the human centipede
YES I'm finally watching The Human Centipede! #humancentipede #horrornight #amazoninstantvideo
but then he tried 2 get us 2 come on his boat &go 2 some island he apparently found & Im like nah bih u not gon turn me 2 a human centipede
seen human centipede 3 yet?
human centipede teacher watch watching class suspended showing movie school would high najeh_donia
I get on my computer and fist thing I see is "Tennessee high school teacher suspended for showing 'Human Centipede 2'
wait I entirely overlooked the fact that nik is letting the child she is babysitting, watch the human centipede
Megan trainor is awful. Just awful. I would rather be in the middle of a human centipede, then listen to her song "no" ever again.
The conversations that we have... Where would you rather be in the human centipedeπŸ˜·πŸ™ƒπŸ˜·πŸ˜‚
#IfIMadeAMovie it would be a gentle story about a man and a woman falling in l....ah fuck it, I'm making The Human Centipede 4
.... Yes I thoroughly believe that all children should watch this movie πŸ‘΄πŸ» #humancentipede
Watching "The Human Centipede" is something those kids won't forget for the rest of their lives. Will they see the two sequels?
Gonna watch human centipede
i tried watching the first human centipede movie and i wanted to kms
i just read the plot for the 2nd human centipede movie and i am...Disgusted
Human Centipede 5Need for Pede
I literally had a nightmare about the human centipede πŸ˜–
Human Centipede 3Need for Pede
when your town becomes widely known bc students got shown Human Centipede πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
the human centipede is hella disgusting
Dave has never heard of the Human Centipede movies
I remember when I told to watch the human centipede Lmaoo
Naked between two hot men. Human centipede.
the human centipede fucked me up like all 3 of them i can't deal they're so sick bye
Some teacher showed the human centipede 2 to his students and got suspended. is that you? xD
human centipede disturbed me so much I had nightmares and I only saw 10 minutes
I think the movie is scarring me holy shit this is like human ceNTIPEDE ALL OVER AGAIN NO
I'm glad I didn't pay to see The Human Centipede 3 in the cinema. Nearly did.
"You're my favorite rapper now" yeah, dude I better be or you can fucking kiss my ass human centipede
Where all the people involved in human centipede otherkin furries
"The Human Centipede 2Tennessee High School Teacher Suspended for Showing Movie to Class" Oh goodness, we live in a fucked up world.
The human centipede 5need for pede
When are we getting the Fast & Furious/Human Centipede that we've been craving for YEARS?
watching the human centipede as a break from constantly watching zootopia
just saw a scene from human centipede 2 and the fact that it isn't the worst thing I've seen on the Internet is quite concerning
First of all how do you accidentally put on the Human Centipede 2 and secondly why would you keep playing it?
See this emoji 🚼 last night when drunk, I was convinced it was someone on all fours so was gonna use it for the human centipede🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼
I'm about to watch human centipede 3
yeah, I'm sure I must have known that, but don't recall! How strange. Ha, I'd only do balling if I had to watch Human Centipede!
he looked like the guy from the human centipede
omfg you're just fucking retarded i just watched the human centipede and i'm like dfq did i just watched
Watching Newcastle is like watching the human centipede trilogy on repeat.
lol straight adolescent human centipede right there
Are you want to join in human centipede for #CaptainAmericaCivilWar ? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜“
Why the fuck did i just watch the Human Centipede! #FeelinSick
I will NEVER watch "The Human Centipede"πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
My mum thought the human centipede was a superhero like Antman πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
ur mum watches the human centipede and feels "inspired" :))
Álvaro Diony Torena Science project :"Today we gonna learn how to make our own human centipede using things we can find at home"
Worse than The Human Centipede?
best pickup line... "Hey girl, you seen that Human Centipede? I'd definitely get my lips sewn to yo ass!"
pats you. thank you and you too, please dont watch human centipede! πŸ‘Œ
Where would I find a coloured version of Human Centipede 2?
Why am I watching the human centipede again it literally makes me want to die but on the bright side I HAVE A DATE AT 7
"The Human Centipede"
should I or should I not watch the 3rd human centipede
I'm sittin in the living room doin my makeup n I'm makin Amelia watch human centipede n Justin came out n started watchin itπŸ˜‚
so how many awards did human centipede 3 win? #CinemaMasterpeice
My aunt shared my post about a teacher getting fired for letting her students watch Human Centipede 2. Facebook is magical.
Teacher susended for showing Human Centipede 2 to class. Should be grounds for arrest.
Nothing more fucked up than letting your students watch "the human centipede" against their will πŸ˜‚
That's insulting...the the Human Centipede.
A teacher was suspended because she showed the film, 'The Human Centipede 2' in class. When I was in HS, our teacher showed us the Part 1.😨
Watching human centipede before going to bed kills me!!
Actual headlineHigh School teacher suspended for showing Human Centipede 2 to students.
TheLadBibleTeacher suspended after showing students 'The Human Centipede 2'. What were they thinking? …
"The Human Centipede 5Need For Pede" is by far the best in the franchise.
A teacher in the US has been suspended for showing The Human Centipede 2 to her class.
The human centipede is so messed up who even comes up with that
Teacher fired for showing kids human centipede. What is up with teachers now days? #humancentipede
watching The Human Centipede 3 (final sequence) with my mate, hoping to turn her into a pedephile!
lol, what if you had did a #KurtRussell a-z for the podcast instead of watching things like Human Centipede
a teacher showed it to students? That teacher needs a slap...... Along with the creator of Human Centipede
The Human Centipede. DAMN!
The Human Centipede.Thinking more about it, most people would be scared of seeing that movie(unless they're a coprophage). #ScareAChickFlick
"I don't know how he talks when his human centipede mouth is attached to the mans ass" -Mustafa
A great prank to play on your kids would be to sew all their stuffed animals together human centipede style. #dadstuff #dadstag
just currently ejaculated on my dad's laptop. human centipede is a fucking hot movie mmm
I mean I'm bout to do a screening at my school, but I'm never going to think The Human Centipede 2 is the move!!!
Fun Sonic The Hedgehog facts for kids! Sonic Generations was released on the 4th of November, which is the same as Human Centipede 2!
The human centipede.
I'm sorry, but the teacher that showed The Human Centipede 2 in class should be fired!
Yesterday at work I had to deliver an order to a Russian doctor and I don't think I've ever felt so close to becoming a human centipede
50 Cent will star in the 50th installment of the Human Centipede. In The Human 50Centipede.
Why am I watching the human centipede πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
well the human centipede was a gross film damn what happens to lindsay then
Today's just got "lie in bed and watch the human centipede trilogy" written all over it
i hope when Obama leaves office he goes back to the end of the human centipede where he belongs
Human centipede 3 is just so damn weirdπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
WHAT was the teacher thinking showing Human Centipede 2 to High School Students?
First time watching the human centipede lmao
Teacher suspended for showing The Human Centipede 2Full Sequence to high school class. via /r/movies …
Teacherso today we will learn about networking skills *shows them human centipede*
the human centipede is the nastiest movie I've ever watched 😷
Watching The Human Centipede πŸ˜‚✌
A teacher showed 'the human centipede' in Tennessee, yet the state skirts around teaching evolution πŸ˜‚πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
NWHuman Centipede 3 πŸ˜…
is this the human centipede? idk why but i'm guessing it is
I watched The Human Centipede last night for the first time ...... πŸ€” Hm. Just.... Hm.
I think ultimate goal is to turn the #gop and all its supporters into one big human centipede with himself at the head.
Sydbae says she falls asleep watching the human centipede. That's the most hardcore thing I've heard all my life
how can people even watch the human centipede? just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.
Impossible tbh bc he lives in me and this is getting evocative of Human Centipede
the human centipede is okay... i like lindsay
I would love if @hdtgm did human centipede but I don't want to subject June to it.
Ready your stomach dude. :D Hahahah. I just can't finish the Evil Dead. It's freakin' me out. 󾌴 — watching The Human Centipede
Watching human centipede 3 😷 no idea why 😩
Human Centipede 2 disguisting to the highest level ever !
Do you talk about the new Skyblock or about the Human Centipede Game?
I am more amazed that there is actually a Human Centipede TWO!!! what in the world is wrong with white folks?!?!?!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I forgot the human centipede 2 existed thanks Vice D:
Comparing military rank to position in a human centipede.
When your coworker asks you to explain the plot line of 'Human Centipede' ... Nope sorry can't help you #Yuck #ItsNotWhatYouThink
The Human Centipede #OddThingsToMasturbateTo
watched the human centipede last night and I've never watched such a fked up film before
Human Centipede on telly box tonight.It movie bout insect luv narrated by Big Dave Attenborough right?
A teacher showed his class (in America) the Human Centipede 2 idea why!!! I can't even rationalize an answer for this one...
When he wants to watch the human centipede durin Netflix and chill
Friendwatch the human centipede :^) mefck u no
human centipede? Which one should I watch tbh.
Zhen u watching the human centipede thing alone, #you'rehellabrave
a teacher got suspended because they showed human centipede 2 in class, like, honestly. relatable. i'd do it if I was a teacher.
"I watched the human centipede last night and do you know what? I thought it was quite good" I do worry for my mum sometimes, not gonna lie
I haven't watched the human centipede the trailer freaked me out ///
i remember reading an exo fic based on the human centipede. fuCK IT WAS SO DISGUSTING
omg the human centipede though
I want to watch human centipede but
MAINSTREAMED are you watching human centipede.
See that teacher who got fired for showing Human Centipede 2 to kids? Should've used the first one. I've seen Disney films more disturbing.
If i had a teacher who *showed* us Human Centipede 2 I would straight up fucking kill him,what the fuck. Not even for extra credits.No-no
human centipede is v disgust and i think it's terrible but i like to watch terrible horror movies to waste my time
gbye human centipede looks terrifying

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