May 1, 2016

scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know

I feel sorry for all those Scientologists. Set them free. #scientology
I'd rather get fisted by Wolverine than pay you thousands of dollars to be told about alien ghosts.
The World Institute of Scientology...of course!
The sports equivalent of Scientology is quidich
U Broke The Only #1 Rule I Demand Don't Abuse The Elderly, Children, & Mothers Simple, Right? Now U Got My Attention #Stooges
Scientology Has a damned gangsta that rolls butts
When scientology actually finds me & stalks me
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know joeyboon
Check It Out I'm Not Playing #Sissies Stop Abuse UR Followers NowEnroll Me For A 1 Million Years & See How This Works For U?
im deleting this now im scared i gtg
the church of Scientology is a fucking joke pull your heads out of your asses motherfuckers
shoutout Scientology and eyes wide shut I love that movie
David Miscavige, The leader of the Church of Scientology, his wife has been missing since 2007.
Scientology ScandalWoman Claims Church Forced Her To Have Abortion, Kept Her Imprisoned In Church Punishment Facility …
#Miscavige has his wife in a prison north of LA for the last seven years. she isnt allowed to leave #GoldBase. #Scientology
I just finished the scientology 20/20 episode. Good for you in helping Ron.
the Scientology family guy episode totally nails down to a tee why we should let science help
I'm laughing so hard it's a Saturday night and jade is fighting scientology lmao
Watching #2020 with more frightening evidence against the #cult of #Scientology. Pathetic-the opposite of creating happiness.
Church of Scientology has vault hidden in New Mexico #breakingnews
Lmao if scientology actually finds me tho
Honestly nothing scares me more than EVERYTHING I watch about Scientology. This 20/20 thing is COOOOOOKOOOOOO
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Scientology_411
is an oppressive prison work camp who abuse families &children, working them long hours daily Where is the damn do ur job!
Scientology Does a trippy disco that tricks bucks
im gonna fuckinh destroy him and scientology
- scumbags! You destroyed my family. Rot in hell - or worse!
founded by a sub-par scifi author who, stoned, wrote that Xenu the alien nuked Earth. How can I return this book for a refund?
ascend past Tom Cruise in the church of scientology
Fight me uglies
Just not scientology the pasta one
that's just icing on the cake. the cake of scientology.
Is this like some kind of Scientology bullshit? This is the fourth time you've tweeted that. You're like a robot.
Scientology... The Movie. *dun dun duuuuunnn*
Applied Spiritual Technologies, and The Sentence healing model are superior to Dianetics and Scientology.
scientology is a giant conspiracy revoke their non-profit charitable organization status!
i just realized there's a 500 acre scientology compound in hemet forget college i found my calling
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Scientology_411
Scientology Does a straight boss that programs nugs
I can't believe that crazy #Scientology lawyer just admitted disconnection is a policy. She's lying about it being voluntary tho. #ABC2020
My pop is really intrigued by this Scientology 20/20 special rn.
or Scientology xenu no no
I can't believe scientology is an actual thing
delete your account.
All religion makes my skin crawl. Scientology most of all. #ABC2020
Just going off documentaries I've seen, if you told me a big part of Scientology is having an aggressively firm handshake, I'd believe you.
smart people can get into Scientology, like Paul Haggis.
Scientology Leader’s Father on When He Says He Escaped
Scientology Leader’s Father on When He Says He EscapedRon Miscavige and his wife Becky moved onto the Gold Base in 2006, where he s...
Scientology Does a damned trick that slangs sluts
Why?Is #Scientology all over Twitter?It's promoted,I don't follow/belong 2 that Church!I don't care 4 it being promoted all over Twitter!#go
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know zilvernevel
I wouldn't join Scientology for any amount of money. I'm fascinated/obsessed with it the same way I am about Amway.
Scientology Does a dope cash that rolls bucks
#Scientology takes out remind people to watch #ABC2020 from last night if they haven't already...
the jungle, silent spring, the taliban one & some Scientology one!! (i don't like scientology)
Scientology is lowkey hella interesting
Oh my god. You are back! I was afraid you joined Scientology and they made you stop talking to us.
scientology more like i got a bad feeling about this, scoob
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know DiceMore
How do people not know that Scientology is a CULT#MANSON#CREEPYSHIT
I'm watching "Going ClearScientology and the prison of belief" #crazy
You disgust me
that's the guy who flies DC-8s to drop thetans into Hawaiian volcanoes?
Shame on you Monique Yingling. Cleaning up (failing) for the cult of #Scientology since 1954.
Ballroom looks like the Scientology spaceship #WHCD
I am so intrigued by Scientology because of their loyal following despite their modus operandi of talking in circles and spewing nonsense.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know 4loor
people really believe in the Church of Scientology...🤔
@scientology Scientology is a lie and preys on lost and empty souls. David Miscavige is no different than any other cult leader. Coward
<- advertise="" against="" can="" committed="" crimes="" critics="" cult="" font="" members="" of="" out="" pr="" t="" the="" u="" v="" way="" weknow="" you="" your="">
Because #Scientology
If you look at a $1 bill closely, you’ll see it’s covered in reptiles! Scientology is the only true science! We gotta take the power back!
Cuz Scientology...
by the Way,One becomes Mislead When Clueless Hmmmm hahaha
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know NOLADuchess
watching 20/20 the Church of Scientology a religious cult what do you think?
L.Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer. Fiction was his life..hence scientology fiction
Making fun of Scientology👍🏻, nice chg from Islam
I just watched a documentary on Scientology and believe it is a place for gays to hide out.
They won't stop advertising even though I'm blocked. The cult's been spending like crazy on here.
scientology fan account
it's not just a cult is probs worse than scientology that's brainwashing at its finest 👀👀👀👀
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know NOLADuchess
Scientology is officially a religion,as you perfectly well know. Deal with it
guess We oughta Hook Him and Trump Up and they Can Rule the World,Sure,in their own little Fucked up minds
I just bought a cool new shirt Scientology is the only true science! No blood for oil! No jet fuel melts steal!
GOD Loves Us All So when some Stupid piece of Shit money Hungry Mongrel thinks He is the Messiah , really??? Hahaha
are you in a scientology cyber womb
well,I swear I'd be Worshiping Somewhere Else
I click on and the Scientology(cult) video. A short Claritin commercial plays Spanish! #speakEnglishinUSA
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Stew__McCall
Angry Scientology Muffin thinks you're a bigot for criticizing their slave labor & family extortion!! 😠 (TY Chucki)
can't be any more wacky then all other religions out there.
cmon now,We All have our own ways of Spirituality,Oh Yes,But,Tell You What,When GOD Starts charging You to Pray,
idiotic Person Whom Says He is the LORD OF THE WORLD doesn't kind of Fit into the True RELIGIOUS Program???
#abc2020 Wake up people Scientology is not a religion. Disconnect is a vicious practice put in play by a delusional bully. #walkaway
You know What,I Love GOD and All but doesn't there come a time in Life when You Actually Realize that some
Watching 20/20 about Scientology. I don't get it. And, don't want to.😳
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know StarWhisper7
guess they Deserve what they Pay for, HAHAHAHA
Scientology has to be the craziest shit I've ever heard of.
never knew that anyone in this day and age Would Like go for That Shit Hahaha
Looool #Scientology & the billion year contract who in the blue hell is stupid enough to be live that shit 😂😂😂😂
now That's So Fucking Funny Hahaha
what,They live as Communal slaves that are Rich Hahaha and that Scavenger guy runs their Lives OMG So Funny Hahaha
Church of Scientology
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know AngieDownSouth
and for those "Clueless" ones there Is options Mislead well Get over and through it Already Help Me ...not lol not
Scientology started 'cause some kid had asthma. Fucking Asthma. #GreatParenting
All !!!! It sucks Some people have more Smarts than others to be just mislead,Others Not So Much, more clueless
Scientology Media Productions looks like it's going to be worthy of a blog post or two!
#Scientology even tried to fake documentation that Hubbard was a Blackfoot Blood brother. #oops #myths
Weird I get a Scientology promo tweet when they have me on block
I just find it so funny that Hamilton is across the street from the church of Scientology
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know FarceAwakens
That man is Pure Evil David Miscavige. Charge him with crimes against humanity #Scientology
JAW doesn't have any degree. Unfortunately there r #Scientology orgs in the UK, incl East Grinstead 👽🚀🌋
I wonder how many people have converted to Scientology from the fact there's a center across from the theater where Hamilton is playing?
this is the broadest carpetbombing of ads I've ever seen on Twitter. Still doesn't say where Shelly Miscavige is, though.
Nobody understands Scientology and they don't get it. Thank you for putting your story out there.
Watching the Scientology documentary and I'm horrified but more so just want to watch eyes wide shut
You know it's true b/c the name sounds kind of like "science"!
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know FloridaRenz
I look up to you. I think you are an amazing women and human being. Scientology almost took my life. I would love to talk.
Scientology just tried to recruit me on Twitter. I'm speechless. The internet should know me better than that.
Now onto Scientology!
Oh👏🏼my👏🏼gawd👏🏼 My aunt (the former Avon lady) almost got sucked into Scientology on accident.
#DavidMiscavige is truly an inspiration to all religions. #truth #Scientology
sits empty... So that what they meant when they said they wanted to clear the planet!!! #Scientology
Scariest tweet of the day came from Scientology, ugh. Read "going clear" or see HBO documentary on this dangerous cult.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know seIinameyer
I didn't see it. What do they want for it?
Seen that #Nightline interview with the father of the guy in Scientology. It was a good interview but sad he can't see his family
I'm so intrigued by Scientology to know what it's about, but also I don't wanna get electrocuted constantly and forget who I am haha
You freaks can get right out of my Twitter feed. Not interested. You guys are freaked out because truth is being revealed. 👍
Scientology is a religion for yuppies and lunatics
Omg omg omg watching this on Scientology and I'm totes buying this guy's book bc omg omg omg.
guess #scientology forgot about a parade of them dressed as Nazis 1979 #oops using #seaOrg unis!
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know seIinameyer
#Scientology Print say repeat with passion nam myo ho renge kyo Polish your inner mirror &you stay young
the "Church" of Scientology tonight managed to get an advert our on @channel4. How does that happen?
when is my Scientology movie going to be widely available?
#Scientology is one of the most evil organizations controlling people's lives and minds today.
Captain, let it go. Scientology is going to exist long after you or I do. Deal with it...
free pony rides happening rn at scientology celebrity center
#MoniqueYingling #FLUNK! #scientology #cultFail #workersParadise "I ❤️ Overboarding!" #Cupcake?
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know SaltRockVal
I don’t even know why you included me in this issue. Who said I was even remotely interested in Scientology? #LetItGo
#Scientology atty Monique Yingling says on that Int. Base is a "worker's paradise" Ummm North Korea much?
Did anyone catch last night about #Scientology? I watched it twice. Dying to rant about it.
I bet you get them as a reward on blueray if you audit out to the top level in Scientology
Join us in total world domination where David Miscavige will own your soul for LITERALLY a billion years. #abc2020 Nice Ad. 🙄👽
As if anyone didn't know that Scientology is a cult...
they used to market it as #dianetics w a volcano. #Scientology is being exposed, so they're desperate to recruit these days!
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know 1RagingBuddha
Saw him on 20/20 last night. Scientology put up a legal mouthpiece named Yingling to counter all his accusations. Not impressed.
Scientology, Trump, & Obama's jokes are apparently way more important than Aleppo's annihilation #SaveAleppo
watched 20/20 last night with absolutely no bias..& clearly there is something wrong with Scientology and i believe Ron and you.
There is a bouncy house at the Scientology building.
when i get a promoted tweet for scientology what the fuck
1 of my top 10 favorite things is any exposé on the church of Scientology
Where is Scientology leader David Miscavige's mssing wife Shelly? She hasn't been seen in years. can check on her?
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Frodis73
yup. It's basically scientology but we have Vitalik instead of xenu
Scientology is very scary!! If u haven't seen the documentary on it I would def. recommend
"Give us this day our daily faith, but deliver us, dear God, from belief." Aldous Huxley.
Yeah I get it...apparently there are some other scientology connections too, I saw some discussion about it
Scientology ruthless his own fathers says he's .. we come back.. bb changed diapers. CALL ME billboard
Only a #Cult makes you split from your family to isolate you to manipulate and control you. #Scientology Not a Church or a Religion
had to google that and ended up on some scientology sites...never knew it was based on a real thing, the more you know!
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know R4Randall1
Wonder if anti-psychiatry (scientology) is (in part) about covering up damages from neurotoxins such as mercury and man-made EMF #Psych
Hey there go F Off! Your church is a crock that owes this nation millions of back taxes
Fuck off my timeline. I'm not interested in your weird ass cult
. . This book will be the unraveling of all the lies,deceit,manipulation,brainwashing & corruption of the horror.
True. The Scientology books written by escapees are even more bizarre.
Monique yingyang is a Scientology whore scumbag
Good opening salvo but you will NEVER be a real religion - you're just a pyramid scheme with a tax shelter.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know KathyNschotschi
. A myth? You mean like #Scientology curing David Miscavige's asthma? I won't even mention the #Xenu stuff
They had a good one on Scientology, too. Not quite as informative as the Mormon one, but a good introduction to the topic.
. why is #Scientology advertising on my TL? It is so invasive! Ughh.
Scientology is so devilish
~The idea or practice of Scientology is the most confusing thing to me ~
i am sO hyped for his scientology documentary!! !!
Is it me or does Monique RingDing look like David Miscavage in bad drag? The baskets of baked goods was odd but a nice touch #Scientology
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Betsy_Manning
S/O to my good friend Had a conversation with my parents at dinner about Scientology and my blog. They were impressed.
I like to get all my Scientology information from South Park!! They've got some good Mormonism documentaries as well. :)
cope with the *fact Scientology fakes everything! Expansion!😂 how's Toronto again?
I never realized how evil scientology was until I saw 20/20. I applaud you for leaving. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
I grew out of asthma-like condition, caused by pet allergies. No #Scientology fakery required
Scientology is the greatest fraud the world has ever known. Well, other than Islam.
this is the new scientology.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know HoulsbyMark
Scientology has been advertising on UK TV since 1993.
Omg! How can you Stand reading about Scientology? Tom Cruise alone makes me wanna vomit. 😝
Gemma could never cope w the fake that #Scientology shoops the heck out of those images #crowdAnimation
the prestigious 'dignitaries' meeting w Miscavige R fake; no mention outside of Scientology sites.
Oops! I just realized that's probably a scientology thing. Nevermind.
And why do y'all call her the Vocal Bible? Is that church like Scientology?
#Scientology First off This is a false religion and I guess you can call it a #cult No real religion would keep you from #family
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Betsy_Manning
Oh god there's a massive church of Scientology in downtown atx lol offfff course there is
why was Trumps only charitable donation post 911 to a Scientology group?
The #IRS needs to be held accountable and sanctioned for giving #Scientology tax exempt status. Revoke it STAT #Corruption
Ummm, the only charity he donated to post 911 was a Scientology group.
Just watched an advert (on C4) promoting tiny whackadoodle Tom Cruise's makey-up religion, #Scientology. Laughable & terrifying.
Church of Scientology works behind scenes against Clearwater Marine Aquarium via /r/news @SPACE_LAWYER …
Just saw an advert on TV for Scientology. Might as well have been for unicorn jizz or moon farts.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know sanoufim
it us your end crazy people
come on all Masons are good people just ask them😒J Witness Mormonism Scientology NASA all current cults
Did I actually just see a Scientology advert on tv? Sorry guys, I'm afraid we have more brain cells over here in the U.K.
An advert for scientology on TV. 'What's their gig?' asks hub. Advert clearly hasn't worked then...
WTH I just watched an advert for Scientology???
Oh dear god, I just saw an advert for Scientology on channel 4, that's terrifying!
#Scientology is NOT a religion by any stretch of the imagination and they sure as hell are no "non profit". #Charlatans #Dummies.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know 2016dailynews
Xenu just caused a big engram (trauma). The Scientology ladder has 5 levels of exorcism to clean it up.
I surely will when is it?? So I can throw up.
§ He also says that Scientology "considerably mitigated" David Miscavige's #asthma. That's a good thing right?
The Cult of Scientology must really be pissed off about Ron Miscaviage's new book
know Jesus Christ and everything else falls in place
#scientology is notorious for their bad Photoshop! They shoop in crowds @ events 2 look like more ppl😂
Yea, Scientology is fanatical "new religion" lite in religion history.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Scientology_411
@Sacca Do you miss your Scientology followers?
Well it seems between the sarcastic tweets about Scientology, #SharkTank and Chris @Sacca, I lost about 7 followers. Oh well...
If you wanted to come up with a system, a construct, that proves how evil religious faith is, you couldn't do much better than Scientology.
its a fucking cult not a religion
He is also a scam artist, a fraud, a thief, a liar and a control freak.... He makes Kim Jong-un look like an angel....
» It's an amazing claim by his father that Scientology cured David Miscavige of his asthma!
Karma is watching you and so are the feds... Keep up your scam...
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know IndieScieNews
. Sorry John, in the black & white world of #Scientology, Ron's either a liar or he isn't. Which is it?
Nobody likes the guy.He is a war criminal sociopath. He sends a blinking attorney that lies on tv. #SCIENTOLOGY
Maybe so when she gets caught in lies, they can blame a "non-Scientologist" for it and claim innocence? #Scientology
. A billion years?! You people are crazy. #DavidMiscavige
kids grow out of asthma, nothing miraculous #scientology
. #Scientology Some people swear chihuahuas cure asthma as well.
Sometimes I think Scientology was secretly started by Mormons so they could have a religion to make fun of.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know ep_birdsall
. Breaking#Scientology cures dictator's asthma Stop the research!
So bummed. Missed the 20/20 on Scientology and the re-airing of the Fantastic Lies 30 for 30 while my cable was out.
FINALLY watched "Going Clear." I realize it's not exactly "pro-" Scientology, but I gotta say- I'm sold!
#ABC2020 Unbelievable to me that anyone would let a "church"/organization, of any kind, run their lives like this! #Scientology Frightening.
A Scientology recruiter tried talk to me on the street and I ran like Skippy Taylor#
what's this other Scumrats name anyways... sorry,Just Wanted to get it correct... mrscavage Mrscavanger
so now WTF Is Up with People With Fucking Money that Still are Clueless I say "It's All Good" Enjoy Your WTF Life🎂👍
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know OkieChris
Ron Dickbared ? Hubabreed ? WTF Um Hmmm Hubbard like a Cubbard ? Whatever.Too bad He's dead
David, you deserve to be put in prison for the things you've done. Btw, your dad doesn't live that far away from me.
I live in US. Am interested in seeing Louis Theroux's My Scientology Movie. Any intel on when it will be available on tv/online?
david miscavige deserves to be locked up in a federal penitentiary.
By the w y,What ever happened to that Fucking Piece Of Shit Child Molesting Troll that founded that crap anyways
§ It's pretty cool that Ron Miscavige pretty much claims Scientology cured David's #asthma!
it's a cult
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know ReneeBevry
Anyways Like I said I thought well I'll be back
Lying mug of #millionaire #Scientology lawyer spokes-hole #MoniqueYingling on Paid #TaxFree $ by #cult
. Ron meets clown in after circus party? #scientology
.......small little person sorry Seems He is ,.. Lol ... Oh Geeze,Wearing Lift should Not sure Don't see them yet
oh Oh Oh Hold on Please hold on.. Now it's All different this is Some guy,Not sure,Not Big kind of ....
have No clue whom this woman or man is,Sounds like a Woman that has had uncontrollable differences with others.hmm
hmm I feel a moment through Orion,Hold On,Orion.Hold On All.Hmmmn whom is a Miscavenger I'm getting a Miscavenger?
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know misssunflower81
but,I have a Vision... A Vision from GOD HIMSELF..... I see things and I will make sure that the Grandest wins....
. I thought Captain Miscavige had no relationship with his dad since he was 16? #scientology
and Pray that Everyone is Safe therefore Ugh Me,,, well,I'd run to Another country but..Well Good licky luck
. how would you even know about something like that, even if it were true? #Scientology #Shilling?
@Stew__@Scientology Tom is the head Hollow head he would look better if he's a little beat up 2 much of a baby face 0 brains
hahaha You Ain't seen Nothin Yet my friends...hey,I can't stand him either so I'm just gonna hide till the Generals
it’s for a Scientology promo package, probably. Thetans!
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know DiceMore
If you need something good to binge on, watch anything about the church of Scientology. The recent documentary, 20/20, anything.
. He's suing his own father..I'm sure he will try to get it back. $100,000 is peanuts to DM's $ inurement.#Scientology
nothing Compared to the Wonderment of The USA Devastation that Trump will Produce if Elected the "Parties" nominee
nah I'm over it,Now Loving this Shit going through on at Trumps rally thingy,,, hahaha Oh I knew it was coming and
when will I be able to see your Scientology Movie? Also, I was very moved by Drinking to Oblivion. It was difficult to watch.
If you want your children to be used as slave labor, join today!
Scientology and the American Dream...
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know DiceMore
How does she sleep at night? I know lots of CofS feel they are doing 4 greater good but she is a flat out LIAR
RT@drudge_report :Scientology Leader Father Describes Moment He Escaped... #DondeFirmo
Obviously #Peope have #NothingBetterToDo than #HackTwitterAccounts. I #blame #Scientology! ;)~ #Evil!
RT@drudge_report :Scientology Leader Father Describes Moment He Escaped...
. has 76k followers. What? On Twitter? No, after "Going Clear" it's probably close to the truth. #Scientology #cult #escape
. #Scientology teaches that psychiatrists have been wreaking havoc for at least 75 million years. I kid you not. #Xenu
Not sure what more dumb Mormons or Scientology.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know DiceMore
Scientology is not a religion it's a CULT!!
Pretty certain the majority of the world knows scientology is a brainwashing cult as is the jehovah's witnesses
DRUDGE_REPORTScientology Leader Father Describes Moment He Escaped... #ycot #tcot #pjnet #conservative
Scientology Leader Father Describes Moment He Escaped...
David Miscavige's father dishes dirt in Scientology tell-all book
Donald Trump taking a page out of Ron Hubbard' Scientology: "don't defend yourself, attack !"
I loved Leah's book
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know SongForKathy
why a Muslim sitcom? How about a Scientology sitcom? Public religious identity harms society if overdone
You are a FAKE, Narcissistic, Sociopathic Thing, David Miscavige!! You & ALL of Your Followers are CRAZY & Misguided! #CULT 👎👎🏾
Tonights 20/20 we find out that Rick & Morty is actually a scientology documentary
OH dear I upset I'd better not drive by #goldbase anymore 😂😂😂😂
Scientology dudehey take one of these Me*reaches out*.....*dab*
I dislike scientology -- that means Xenu is real, right?
Someone leafleted loss of cars, including mine, with a Scientology ad. Eughh.
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Betsy_Manning
The battle against an 80 year old man is disgusting. The #Scientology lawyer who said "they liked work" shameful. Watch tonight
L. RON HUBBARD is the founder of Scientology. He wrote more than 1000 books. #scientology
Scientology. I've always wanted to combine science with tology.
Our 6PM Scientology class has been cancelled. We just discovered scientology is bullshit. #DisappearingGoldenTablets
TONIGHT at 10 pm PT on Ron Miscavige, father of #Scientology leader David Miscavige, speaks to #abc2020
@KCAL I am appalled to see my first #Scientology ad!! it's a cult & I don't want it in my home go get paid from a reputable sponsor!
Scientology is a mess but if you watch a documentary on Fritzl you'll agree with me. Kept his daughter prisoner in a small
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know ScientologyPimp
tell mini Scientology Leaders Father Speaks Out Tonight On #ABC2020! 🎱
Unsolicited advice in the form of a non-sequitur from my fatherDon't ever get involved in Scientology, Rachel.
thanks! Waiting for the pizza to be delivered n I'm gonna watch the 20/20 on Scientology later, my big Friday nite plans!! Lol
🔮reminded me of you.
what is Scientology, a bag of shit without the bag
know true insanity.
he uses you,you use him Damn Perfect situation Dontcha think
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know f44wpeace
David Miscage's wife Head of Scientology ' s wife She's been missing for years
you and Trump oughta run as Partners You would Be Perfect together
help me now Jesus
. pot meet kettle #scientology
hey I do How do your Kids feel about this shit
Amusing that #Trump-kins who claim those not in cult can't be reasonsed with but then they block. Scientology anyone? Pity
I want to see this but none of the times worked out. 😢 But excited for My Scientology Movie next week! #HotDocs16
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know Betsy_Manning
Tom You givin that Scavenger guy Way too much money,Dontcha think...
I think a lot of Hollyweirdos belong to that money hungry garbage gullible morons 😜hahahahaha
Scientology doesn't appreciate threats
Hey I don't really give a fuck,But,FYI Seriously don't think You'll get to Heaven any quicker... Well ya might l😝
10pm tonight - the TV event of the evening- @abc2020 exclusive Scientology report with Ron Miscavige, father of COB.
they do deserve each other
Watched a good documentary about #religion and #secterism today: Going ClearScientology and the Prison of Belief (#religiousness)
scientology abc2020 cult rootbrian church johnalexwood miscavige religion good david know daniellemiranda
once again, a "church", Scientology, responds w/ one insult after another. Scientology's response about Ron Miscavige same as
oh Well
and that Is Not against anyone that lives in one,It's about You and Your ignorant shit sorry
Are going to watch that 20/20 on Scientology tonight
don't give them your real contact info or credit card! They'll pester u forever! #scientology
It's a really riveting documentary on Scientology. Uncovers a lot you don't even know about.
go away You aren't even as good as the poop of the Fly on the wall Hey last I heard Money doesn't Buy GOD
I hate people that think they are as Good as GOD !!! And You and that little trailer park thing You do well HAHA
Have a Wonderful time Ugh
no wonder Everyone leaves You,Hahaha Grow up already,Oh,Sorry,You are as tall as You'll ever be such isn't very
@/jdsang91 maybe they deserve each other!
You're an evil, deadly cult.
Damn #ColoniaDignidad movie was sick and moving Keep fighting against soul searchers and #Scientology fuck ups! #stepout #beware
Currently touring the church of Scientology👽
#Veteran A must read....... Ruthless-'Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me,' by Ron Miscavige
#SoDeadInsideThat I stepped inside a Scientology office.
Scientology Leaders Father Speaks Out Tonight On #ABC2020! 🎱
David Miscavage has one of the best rugs I've ever seen. #Scientology
Scientology was probably just a meme that got out of hand
Amen and GOD may You behold to the Lord to Your Sins and All that Be a Comin
I'm joining scientology
Hey The Mansons are Waiting and they are More Godly.I think You are Brainwashing Mcscavanger
Can't wait to watch the #Scientology expose tonight!
Gonna watch the Scientology docu,entry tn . I wanna know everything I can about how terrible it is
NOPE. Sorry Sean that will be BORING. Watching OTHER CULT #Scientology expose on
Helloooooo How are You Today
What religion is that?
.@IRS #Scientology should pay #taxes
Has anyone read this ? #Scientology madness love it
Trying to leave Scientology is like trying to leave that stalker lover that has "still not over it " written all over their forehead
wait you mean the fucking like anti-scientology people...?
scientology has a problem with a misogynist future?
Why the f*ck are you advertising on my timeline? Stay away!
Scientology...please tell me you are working On a story about them. And please let Janice from accounting be a part of it.
do not admit Santos into your organization he's a shit bag
A coworker asked if I was going out tonight. Response"No, there's a #2020 special on tonight about Scientology." #oldcrazylady
you'll fit right in with the nutbags over there
Mormons should watch the documentary "Going Clear" about scientology & see so many parallels between the two CULTS. #LDS #MORMON #CULT
Mormonism is the 19th century version of Scientology. Time to Move On. #MORMON #LDS #CULT
Makes me think of the South Park episodes on Scientology.
Scientology af
#leahremini I am confused, who is this man and #Scientology is this about Scientology
Chitchatting with and after their movie about #scientology at #docville filmfest!
I took the free Scientology personality quiz and got Leonard from the Big Bang Theory
I wonder if the same ppl who laughed at Ron Miscaviage for having a ghost writer will now do the popular thing & support him? #scientology
I just can not believe that a "religion" like scientology can truly exist.
It seems to me that Scientology is more of a business than a church. I can attend my church for free if i choose.
this Scientology stuff is weird! Nobody is the spiritualist of the world!! #weareallequal 🤔😳 cookoo birds 🙄👎🏻 yes u too Tom C
both brave ! Strong women in speaking out about Scientology.
Church of Scientology "up and vanished like a fart in the wind", says UN special commission
Tom Cruise is a Scientologist and so is John Travolta. #scientology
"one time I accidentally watched the Scientology movie"
kill yourselves
Are TV's allowed in North Korea, Scientology or Mappin Castles?
Watching the Dave Clark 5 doc with . "The production values of a Scientology recruitment video", she notes.
Scientology is advertising its cultish scariness on my fucking television.
Am I watching Tom Cruise's Scientology video???
I keep getting scientology ads now because of I've googled it so much in accolade.. #carly
tell tom cruise I said what's up at the Scientology convention
<- about="" betcha="" dianetics="" doesn="" even="" font="" he="" it="" know="" ruthless="" scientology="" t="">
I can't vote 4 someone that won't support trtmnt 4 mentally ill. SCIENTOLOGY IS SNAKE OIL, it is a CULT
- Ferret-like creature - EXCELLENT TASTE ON TV - Cat/Kitten - Scientology (lol) - Vast knowledge in general - Spies
#Scientology is a destructive cult. Watch tonight . His dad Wrote memoir. Out may 3rd.
I won't let you ruin my family because you are hateful and vengeful. The nuttas of scientology are used as psych experiments by the gov.
i still see some occasionally protest in front of the scientology building.
tbh, I cant really fault them for that. the shit folks like miscavage and other high up scientology types did/so is fucking vile...
I enjoy this song much better then "We Stand Tall".
Was going 2 vote 4 U in replacing Rubio seat.UNTIL I read U R anti-Mental Health treatmnt+funded by scientology. I CAN NO LONGER VOTE 4 U!
. Of course! We know addiction & mental health go hand in hand. #Scientology is anti-psychology & denies mental health.
Aware of the major problems with Scientology/L. Ron Hubbard teachings (remember Tom Cruise denying postpartum depression?)
Q&A met Louis Theroux na My Scientology Movie #belgianicon #docville
Looking forward to #Scientology special. Glad is speaking out against the traumatic disconnect + mistreatment
take him to the closest scientology facility as of right now!! Auditing!
and I thought this "perfect casting" was in reference to her connects to Scientology.
I know myself well enough not to hand over my life savings to a bunch of shady, full on cray cray mo-fo's like you guys.
so is this a cult or a Scientology type thing? Shut up and take my money!
Church of Scientology "all a misunderstanding", says leaked dossier
You came here and spread your rumors about me because of scientology. You said I was a nutta- you came here to ruin my life.congrats.
over scientology!
#2020CampaignScandals Presidential candidate Tom Cruise promises to turn the White House into a scientology temple...
but without the baggage and that whole Scientology thing creeping errybody out
haha, love your sense of humor. Could have fooled me - and did! Perhaps this is #TheOmen that #Scientology's end is nigh.
Church of Scientology makes people go crazy
yeah cause that doesn't sound culty at all 😂😂😂 #northkorea #scientology #flds #moonies #jimjones #ISIS
Dianetics "technology"??? LOL
Sounds like scientology.
. Scientology Leader's father speaks out after leaving the cult. Ron Miscavige releases memoir May 3rd#Ruthless .
I never played the Trumpet, I always preferred the rusty trombone. #KeepItReal #NoHomo #Scientology #DavidMiscavige
My teacherpick any religion to do a project on Mescientology bcause tom cruise
#Scientology true! You can get away w a lot if you've got the scratch! Just b rich & famous!
Every day I see Scientologists running for the Scientology bus. What's the penalty for being late to Scientology? Minus 4 billion Zorcaps?
there's a 2020 episode on abc tonight on scientology if you guys are interested lol
You are kidding, right?
.Meanwhile outside Scientology Headquarters...
child labor/abuse, human trafficking, imprisoning mmbrs, forced abortions, disconnection & fair game! What's not 2❤️
<-sp 1="" alley="" are="" blocks="" easy="" font="" good="" keep="" kirstie="" luck="" ntheta="" ones.="" the="" those="" too.="" truth="" tweeting="">
All I'm saying, is that if Scientology was so great, you'd think it would've cured David Miscavige's lisp.
Glad #Scientology had lost all #credibility the public believes none of their released statements or story retractions
Depends how much money you have.
no worries. Some of us protest the abuses of all religions & protest #Scientology Incorporated #scam #cult
this guy has to b into Scientology just has to b
TONIGHT's is a must! #ABC2020 reports on the head of #Scientology. Tune in at 10 p.m. on #ABC10 & retweet.
you are such an inspiration! Keep speaking up for what is right! #Scientology #Truth #Brainwashed #Hope
Really really looking forward on reading #RonMiscavige book Ruthless on #Scientology. This has to be good.
Awww, thanks very much. *Hoping you don't work at a daycare or preschool* *here's to hoping you work at a Firehouse or scientology*
wait, were members of this Scientology documentary accurately e-metered before th making of it?
"I have a couple in-laws who I wish would join #Scientology so they couldn't speak to me anymore." -- Scientology human rights crimes
I live in a toxic area called Houston Texas do you do page's about it?
Scientology is famous for a legal offense called barratry. It is using the law as a weapon by excessive lawsuits. Guilty.
.. How would you even say that? Scientology-y?

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