May 2, 2016

dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter

Well Dimension W is almost over. May 14th the final episode
Just trying to stay updated. Um, Oh, see the new Dimension W last night? :O
After watching Dimension w I learned one thing I would a robot
Dimension W cosplay??? :o
Argh can't wait for Dimension W next week this week's episode was so awesome #DimensionW
Well, when your basically a cyborg.... You can have multiple bodies. Just like Mokoto did. #DimensionW
FALCON PUNCH!!!! #DimensionW

Not sure if brave or stupid. #DimensionW
dimension W the line wasn't in the dub
Yup Jim dimension W went downhill Fast #ToonamiPodcast
Though I won't expect it not to... PLEASE DON"T SKIP. #DimensionW
Since Funimation has it I'm still banking on it taking over for Dimension W on Toonami
aye i dont be fuckin w sc on this crap phone lmao i ducked off sc so quick. ppl probably think im dead or in a different dimension.
I was going to say that Dimension W was cute. And then it got creepy. But then it was cute for a while before it became creepy again.
So if he comes back, isn't he supposed to bring something w him like an unforseen evil or open a portal to a demon dimension? #GameOfThrones
aaand still no sign of the new dubbed episodes of dimension w, hunter x hunter and yu-gi-oh! arc-v as yet. damn.
el opening de Dimension W esta tan fucking op
Dimension W was slightly confusing and a bit rushed (good thing the manga's ongoing) but I really enjoyed it nonetheless
Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka, Parasyte, Dimension W, FLCL, Binbougami ga...can't remember more atm though
Dimension W, Trippy at times, but definitely worth watching.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Manfrotto_in
Dimension W is realistically trippy. Incorporating science to tie together the plot of crossing dimensions.
I think opm on toonami after dimension W is 50/50
Opal gave me the opportunity to explain them in-story w/o (extreme) infodumping or any actual dimension hopping
I think toonami might just go straight to super if it gets dubbed first. HxH might move up after Dimension W
kill a kill...Hunter x Hunter...i just got into dimension W...
Dimension W is such a good anime!
What is it with anime thinking you get white hair if you hang out in the Desert? Like F/SN Archer Dimension W Lwai, & #flyingwitch Akane
"Dimension W" looks ephemeral...😥 most of the good ones too short.
should i continue dimension w
except dimension w, yeah but idk wat was so special about all of them this time literally out of nowhere pfff
you might still like Dimension W, though!
I missed Dimension W last night😩 good thing I know really good anime websites that update right after it shows 😉 now for episode 10.
Whoa, something Mike Tyson'd Kyoma's ear off. Damn. #DimensionW
#nw Dimension W last night here at Myanmar for now with maggi
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter hollowsan
I dont understand how my brother watches thus dimension w anime shit its so boring
Dang! Episode 10 of Dimension W (Dub). This might be one of the anime's i'd like to get on DVD.. so good !!
#DimensionW Its always good to have a second body ready at hand.
Welp, Dimension W was bad. Gotta stop watching bad anime. Might go re-watch Tora Dora, well aside from the last 15 minutes of it...
killed her father and runs to another dimension and the girl w another guy kejar the boy and wanna kill him
oh my god dimension w has a dub already? shit hahaha
Dimension W was pretty lit
Sunday morning agendaa pot of coffee, a big bowl of #FrootLoops, and a #DimensionW marathon.
The name of t/episode to #dimensionw was called Resurrected. I edited and posted a pic on IG of the #phoenix in regards to #Toonamis rebirth
It's not a brand, it's a usage of intellect one couldn't dream of w/o the Internet… It's a whole new dimension of thinking!
Anyone know what will take Dimension W's slot in three weeks?
Last night's Toonami hadAndroid 18 dressing for clothes (not to mention Cell), Dimension W and whatever the heck happened. #Toonami
TY! I'm excited to share this book w the world. Rebecca adds such dimension & delicacy! Hard 2 wait for 2017
[] #TOONAMI Lineup#DBZKai #DimensionW #HunterXHunter #Champloo #Shippuden #OnePiece #Parasyte
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter kuz_w
You can't surive without me, nor I without you. I am well aware of that #DimensionW #Toonami
& u cnt talk to a drama queen w/o gettin on my lvl. sike chris u just got sucked into my dimension see u on the othr side )-:
I'm now watching dimension W
Wow, he's harder to follow than the plot of #DimensionW! #HunterXHunter #ToonamiTalkBack
Dimension W.
I'm late to the party, like with #dimensionw, but I already figured out that what might of happened during the first 2 eps #HunterXHunter
Darn, missed #DimensionW, but #HunterXHunter is up right now.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter ajwright95
#DimensionW on Toonami
There's a cool black villain on, and I'm here for it #DimensionW
Loved this episode of #DimensionW!
Oh you jackass Lwai. #DimensionW
Next time on #DimensionW Next #HunterXHunter on Toonami
Whoa the prince has 2 bodies? :o #DimensionW #Toonami
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter T3Micro
The old substitution jitsu get you every time!!!#DimensionW #toonami
Nice play #DimensionW
Dang that was one of the best punches I've seen. #DimensionW #Toonami
It's wrong to kill people #DimensionW
"Shut up and die bastard" #DimensionW #toonami
He did the one thing he shouldn't have he pissed him off #DimensionW #toonami
Princey would have had him if he hadn't decided to announce his attack with a battlecry. #DimensionW
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter khakisofcarmel
I think he's a little pissed. #DimensionW #toonami
that falcon puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch dame #dimensionw #toonami
Great play #DimensionW
They will be punished #DimensionW
Double K #DimensionW
#DBZKai, #DimensionW, #HunterXHunter, #SamuraiChamploo, #Shippuden, and #Parasyte are trending! ^_^ #Toonami
too bad there's only like 2 eps left #DimensionW #toonami
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter izayaprecious
Why is Hazama in Dimension W.
Big stuff #DimensionW
These episodes have been really really good #DimensionW is turning out to be a great series #toonami
Get back In #DimensionW
Slow #DimensionW
I'm in love with #DimensionW
Empty shells #DimensionW
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter maximjg
just watched a girl w thick eyeliner, a sparkle bag, and a fanny pack leave the subway and I wonder if I saw myself in another dimension
I missed out on #Toonami last week. Time to get caught up before tonight! First up #dimensionw.
Our bonds w/ others have underlying meanings; something not of this dimension. No 1 can tarnish that/eliminate it til it's suppose 2 b done
Table Top Day at 8th Dimension Comics! First upCastle Panic w/. @8DComix #TableTopDay
apropos of nothing, I like the Dimension W soundtrack quite a bit
Watched it and dropped it, just as you are suppose too. Like Dimension W.
Dimension W 🙌🏻
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter dijonketchup13
#Toonami is TONIGHT! #DBZKai #DimensionW #HunterXHunter #Champloo #Shippuden #OnePiece #Parasyte
Yayyy it's #Toonami Saturday!!! I wonder what will be replacing #DimensionW in a few weeks?!
#Recomendación #Anime #Otaku Dimension W ~
00 top4 Strike the blood Dimension w Tokyo ghoul Saijaka no bahamut
I've been stuck on the last 3 minutes of Dimension W 10 for the last 30 minutes because of equipment malfunctions
doing low res jam game w/ a 32x32 dimension limit was the smoothest most effortless gamedev ever for me, b/c I knew it was a throwaway thing
P.s. please watch Dimension W it's such a fantastic show oh my god

dimension W
#Toonami tonight at midnight #DBZKai #Shippuden #SamuraiChamploo #HunterXHunter #DimensionW #OnePiece
Life is a roller coaster baby! Max being Transported to another dimension at #mojocon w/ #VR
#jojo_anime #dimensionw which one is more powerful?
Wasn't sure about Dimension W but it's growing on me every ep.
Also, the protagonist is a jerk, frankly. #DimensionW
anime_buzGood Morning ☕️ _ Dimension W 💗 _ Can't wait for the next episode tonight on toonami
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Neverusage
Good morning everyone #SleepingKnightsAwake Good morning #YuukiNation #SleepingKnights #SwordArtOnlineII 16 hours to #DimensionW
#DimensionW Looking forward for the next season
The one night stand w/ in London was epic, the prophetic moved into a dimension lives were changed
nah I'm watching dimension w on adult swim it's a decent show
Dimension w is.... fucking feel destroying. Damn....
#DimensionW On Saturday.
#TOONAMI On Saturday. #DBZKai #DimensionW #HUNTERXHUNTER #SamuraiChamploo #Shippuden #Onepiece #Parasyte
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Ron1xon
dimension w is rly fun
that's because they gave us one swag man dimension w and the list goes on 2early there's supposed to be one good animeatatime
i still havent finished ajin, hq, dimension w and prince of stride from last season and i feel bad
Well, that was #DimensionW! I really enjoyed it! Bye Mira! Bye Kyouma!
"if I had the ability to travel all of time, space, and dimension, your face would be the one I'd choose to cum on"- romance w/
Well, I can't leave it at that. Time to wrap up #DimensionW!
naruto 🚮 bleach 🚮 SAO 🚮 Stein's gate 🚮 FMA 🚮 DBZ 🚮 akame ga kill 🚮 kill la kill 🚮 hunter x hunter 🚮 one piece 🚮 parasyte 🚮 dimension w 🚮
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Alangamino498
dimension W
On to the penultimate episode of #DimensionW!
SHIT!!! #DimensionW
When you listen to a song w/ such a good guitar solo, you feel like you've entered another dimension & you get goosebumps.
Yeah, she is prettty adorable! xD #DimensionW
Now watching episode 10 of #DimensionW, while eating some Popeye's.
i grab the edge w one hand but sometimes when im. super tired i use my whole hand and knock them into a new dimension
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Alangamino498
Only two episodes left for #DimensionW. It'll be over on May 14th. Wonder what show replaces it
One dimension w/ little upside.
Oh I thought this was about Dimension W
Why would adult swim change the Dimension W ending song I'm angry:/
I'm catching up on Dimension W Mira is still the fucking cutest
One more question regarding animeHave you seen Dimension W? I'm curious to know what you think of it if you have.
I try to watch #dimensionw but get interrupted.... :/
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter azwjp
The Summertime Jacket:High-quality wool w/ silk & linen delivers performance, breathability, strength, and dimension
desire to flatten historical narrs to 1 dimension + desire for a time in the past where "all" were "good," "honorable," "moral"
Now watching dimension w
*after 2nd dimension candace destroys like 15 normbots* buford is 'I am so in love w/ her right now' me too bro
You may like the anime Dimension W because of all the action in it.
dimension w was fun, i dont
Dimension W. 9/10. Great. #DimensionW
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter escope_khan
35th most favourite anime opening of all time #DimensionW
Watched Dimension W this week. Good series and i want to read the manga but i could read 30 chapters in 2+ hrs. so gonna wait.
Its called a coil! Because it taps into Dimension W, it creates infinite energy allowing me to power my Gravi-Suit without-
As much as I love Dimension W, my twitter wallpaper needs to change to something that matters a bit more. :3 And thats :3
And in case you were wondering the Dimension W dub is HORRIBLE 10/10 would not recommend, they ruined one of my new favs:/
Wtf since when has adult swim been playing such a wide variety of anime??? I just saw they were playing Dimension W?!!?!?
God!What a fantastic moment w/ movie in 3D: «Gods of Egypt» 127mn transported to another dimension w/out see the time pass! Sacred #Horus!:)
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Journeyman15
enty shofty Dimension W dh?
If they don't make more episodes of Dimension W I'll be so upset 😩
But first. Who should I rp as. Kyoma Mabuchi from Dimension W or Judar from Magi.
so since MHA will be on Wednesdays wonder what's replacing dimension W
she's from Dimension W, idk why I said her name twice
ERASED, Dagashi Kashi, Dimension W, Divine Gate, Luck and Logic and a couple others I still have to watch from last season -_-... so much...
Damn I need new anime to watch only thing Toonami got poppin now is Dimension W.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Journeyman15
Thank u for creating this glorious character w/such sensitivity, depth, dimension & vulnerability. Not ready to say goodbye.
@eufeion Hi, new dubbed episodes of Dimension W are being added weekly. Next episode should be available Sunday evening if not sooner :)
incoming PADS #DimensionW
So the Lucy of Dimension W
what was the point of Mira in Dimension W?
I like the action scenes of Dimension W a hell of a lot more than the dialogue focused scenes
Tbh Dimension W is starting to kinda drag a little bit
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Journeyman15
I like Dimension W!
Contemporary luxury is being driven into a new dimension. One that’s abound w ... #premiumcar #motor #sportcar
Dimension W was a great Anime. Glad I watched it an hope for a Season 2 cause it has quite the potential I suppose.
Hoping Garo will be Dimension W's replacement.
Hey guys do you know when the English Dub of Dimension W Ep 8 - 12 will be available?
dimension w makes no sense to me
Yes, please! It's totally possible since Dimension W still has 3 weeks left.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter TGNCIreland
latest Marvel Avengers Ultron Rev goes full on Dr Strange plot w Magical dimension and its pretty great knowing this is coming live soon
Also, I've been meaning to say it, but I've been loving Dimension W and your work as Kyouma :) Another addition to the page!
Anyway, there is no rush whatsoever for My Hero Academia to be on TV. This thing will be with us much longer than Dimension W.
you walked in, caught my attention, I've never seen a man w so much dimension. it's the way you walk, the way you talk
I can already tell I'm gonna actively dislike Dimension W. :|
There *is* such a thing as playing it "too safe". I got into more detail in the Dimension W #DubTalk episode, so look forward to that.
See, I was fine for him in Dimension W, because when was the last time he was a "legitimate" lead? This though? So uninspired
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter R_L_A_G67252
I had the same problem with him getting cast in Dimension W. They weren't willing to take any risks and give a different actor a chance.
I've grown numb to Shippuden. Dimension W is my #1. It's bad with the added element of a mean-spirited protag.
I'm rly surprised I like #dimensionw as much as I do. I can't wait for the new episode! #Toonami
I'm a little more middle-of-the-road on Dimension W but other than that pretty much
Since this is being discussed, worst Toonami shows: 1. Tenchi Muyo GXP 2. AGK 3. SAO 4. Bleach 5. Dimension W
that bad huh yikes what about dimension w has it earned a slot in worst toonami shows yet?
Surprised by the number of people saying Dimension W is boring. I'd argue it's actually quite interesting... interestingly bad, that is.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter jhricht
(and before you ask, I'm talking about both Akame and Dimension W)
Well, "Dimension W" has a few episodes left, so fingers crossed.
Watching BBB Seriously I wouldn't mind this airing on Toonami after Dimension W
Or even after Dimension W. Both series FUNi put a lot of $$$ to have. A Toonami run wouldn't hurt exposure.
Little pixie w/ a lot of personality. Kathleen T. uses our Twirl Convertible add texuture + dimension to this look.
do you watch Dimension W?
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter lRokiil
Or show up on DubbleTalk next week and Toonami in May when Dimension W ends.
I do hope #dimensionw comes back for a 2nd season as I do like the characters and world
there's a really good and interesting story in #dimensionw it just feels like the Anime is doing a poor job of telling it
also thanks for the info. either using Dagashi or Dimension W
OOoooooookkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyy...... #dimensionw 's plot is getting more convoluted by the minute :/
the fanservice in dimension w makes me want to quit anime
Not sure if Daed is gonna post but the animes we've seen today were Kiznaiver and Dimension W. -min
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter KaineofTermina
Agree on the infrastructure. Hwvr, Zika is a whole other dimension in the country w 91K cases this yr, 4.9K cases in a week.
one color on the lid and a darker one in the crease w/ a wing is not creative thats lazy, multiple colors= depth & dimension !
Dimension W review: prosjotaro consdese asspulls put jojo to shame
hello friends! I'm late to the party & yes, Ferrante gets female friendships. Dare I say w more dimension than Atwood
have you seen Dimension W?
hunter would do relatively the same as dimension W. It wouldn't be anything big
Hoping for opm but I don't see hero academia replacing dimension w
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter KaineofTermina
by squeezing as much into a single episode as possible (*cough cough* Dimension W)
No, coils won't work in the void. No technology will work. Even the human body begins to shut down #DimensionW
secondly Dimension W's replacement dictates a lot of things if I'm right about when Jack's airing then the next show has to
Only you are Inu. Dimension W loses a ton of viewers after it as well. And people already have seen Champloo.
G-Good job W-W-Willie! Just a few more t-tubes and we can finally get out of this crappy *urp* dimension!
Omg that's crazy, her body was made cuz... Wooooow Dimension W is just crazy
seeing ur face in my TL scared me a bit. :) U are a great villain w/dimension.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter KaineofTermina
you gotta align your chakras w the 5th dimension of asgorth
2 reports show different results but using the same row format. One with a tree w/no dimension filters, one filtered. 1/?
neither did I watch dimension w, but saw it on my tl
Ohh right now that you say it I remember Steins;Gate :o I haven't watched Dimension W yet but I want to eventually!
dimension w and steins;gate had it, I am pretty sure
Dimension W :p
1 problm w/clickstream data is use of avgs.Loses temporal dimension of the data. Individual avg takes hi/low values & collapses them #LAK16
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter shadowedlamp
Elizabeth Greenhough Smith from Dimension W.
Depending on what replaces Dimension W will probably dictate where HxH ends ups. I could easily see HxH being pushed up.
You have something like DBZ Kai going into Dimension W. It's a huge shift in the flow. It's the same as when we had Bleach to GXP really.
I had planned on posting a bunch of Dimension W and One Piece pics but I haven't been in the editing mood.
You're the same people that saw Dimension W and said "Yeah, this mind fuck place is our fuel supply," ain't ya? #OutlawStar
Really be feeling like I'm in a whole different dimension w/o my glasses or contacts 😩
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter UNIQLyn
okay but i'm in love w lake epsilla in this fractured dimension it is Beautiful
u jumped to other dimension w/ the same reasoning huge fallacy
its meh... dimension w on the other hand... STELLAR!
I still don't know the blond guy in dimension w's name but I'm calling him Eli cause that ponytail is eli hair.
Kyoma Mabuchi was hot when he was younger. #AnimeFact #DimensionW
#De Fy 40 40 #Saturn 33 20:20 #Plum in The #Kitchen w/a #Pistol #WickedAlgorithms 20:20 #Tetherball 9-6 Conformed Dimension #Medium 66/6 <♣>
Maybe we'll get a surprise announcement. The could've gotten Dimension W and this one as a package deal if they're both 12 ep
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter CeeAngelYoung
wow 😲 dbzkai, dimension w, and hunter hunter all 3 shows crack the 1.2 million mark this past weekend phenomenal! I love it
//Even with neptunia's dimension traveling shenanigans I'm never sure how to interact with another "me". Fortunately? Not a problem w/Croire
enters nth dimension of data w topological analysis. Way cooler than the Matrix.
Just finished Dimension W… Or at least season 1 of it, but there's only 12 episodes… I forgot what it felt like to complete an anime…
Dimension W's 3-5th episodes made me sick. I have it on fault. But I'll give it another shot just for the sake of it.
Road to the fourth dimension.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter nithawor1993
Go time!! 30-0-7 POLYON w/Dimension! 2 weeks till graduation here!! Vicon calibration! #PxIV #fun
#PunchLine rewatch #4 takes precedence over everything!!! Then I need to finish #DimensionW & catch up on #JoJo!
de dimension w, i know it
Dimension W and Hunter Hunter raking in the millions.
that X-men trailer is cut a little like Hunger Games in an alternate dimension
associated symbolism & romance dimension n general context is so passé. Kteer corny bt consistent w the team of pimps n Ramallah
I'd still kinda like to see view Dimension W ends too..
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter seancain98
Got it. We'll see what will replace Dimension W. Most likely an announcement on Pre-Flight next week
and I stand by what I said that dimension w was a one time kind of deal I don't expect toonami to keep getting lots of
I think it they plan to get it they will get it to replace dimension w or just not get it at all imo
London ur time has come, a Night with the Prophet of God@UebertAngel.will be an encounter w/ a different DIMENSION.
Hero academia will replace dimension w or we don't get it all.
Just started watching Dimension W, such an awesome series so far, let's hope for a season 2
guess I'll have to give it a try. As for Dimension W. I doubt there will be a second season. It looks complete
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter irandomlypost
I would not be surprised if we saw strong 5-digit sales for Dimension W, even if I think it was really bad personally
now now #DimensionW
>Dimension W doesn’t even sell 1k blurays Guess that’s not getting a S2!
I still gotta finish Dimension W and Hellsing ultimate lol, but ima watch these next thanks for putn me on bruh
I wonder if we'll see them try and co-fund a show again given how poorly Dimension W did.
Yup, more proof that FUNimation very likely won't make back what they spent on Dimension W #seelastRT
Total list of all my manga 1/4 Assasination Classroom 1-5 Heroic Legend of Arslan 1-4 Dimension W 1 Death Note 1-12 (SWE) Gangsta. 1-6
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter THISSBRAVA
Oh crap, how did I forget to mention Dimension W. It's pretty awesome and the OP is amazing.
the Op from dimension W
Finally got caught up with #DimensionW and it's good pulpy fun. & are aces
hi what's the dimension (l x w x h) of check in baggage for a flight from mnl to lax? Website says total of 124 in for 2 pcs. Ty
Anime I'm currently watching JJBA Part 4 Kiznaiver Space Patrol Luluco Dimension W Hunter X Hunter Samurai Champloo
Casually watching #DimensionW and fucking Steve Jobs makes an appearance 😂😂 He didn't die, he transcended to anime!
Ouron High School host club ((If you like Comedy/Romances)) HunterxHunter for adventure Dimension W For Scifi...
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter shiroihane
oh yeah your done done, now go watch dimension w
Dimension W(Orange,Studio 3Hz) 「Genesis」(musicl:Stereo Dive Foundation)
Now watchingDimension W. One of the anime with the best opening song I should say
We figured out ways to enhance #performance, minimize dimension & maximize portability w/o compromising on anything
It's fucking hilariously bad how funny I find Dimension W
Hm, that might explain Dimension W's pacing lately. Apparantly the show's covered around 50-60 chapters of manga in 9 episodes O_o
Wow, jeez. So much happened in Dimension W this week. I think I can follow it all, but that was basically a dump of the show's entire plot.
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter miyukiobsessed
Dimension W
trying Dimension W anyway
I can give Dimension W and Kill la Kill a try too
joker game and netoge and big order are good too. For last season erased and dimension w were the hype. Also I think grimgar
I love huge carrots Mira as bunny girl Dimension W #anime
Dimension W is new & completed . Love the opening to it. Unique plot in my opinion
Is this Dimension W?
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter Alangamino498
#DimensionW there's new on toonami.
Just finished dimension w, good shit 👍🏾
i finished dimension w and it was so goooooood
No just saying hello //nice character I love Dimension W
the only reason i tried to stick with dimension w... the animators were too good for this world
the design and animation in in dimension w are so much better than it deserves
GOT and Dimension W both have a way of leaving me hanging😩
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter sfh_w
Loser"And I have four of them." //Ah, it's rather good 'Dimension W'
#DimensionW Kiyouma punching himself in the face kinda reminds me of #FightClub just a bit, don't you think?
now i had to think again of dimension w. main character ilu
Dimension W sucks. Theres so much they could replace that with
Series like Attack on Titan, Death Parade, Dimension W and BokuAca are unavailable to us due to that.
Finished Dimension W last week. It wasn't bad but the way the plot moved along kinda sucked. It was ok.
OMG amazing — watching Dimension W
dimension w toonami anime good more think last time episode into hunter RadiantCh3shire
The Ultimate Ad Dimension Cheat Sheet for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Other Social Networks [Infographic]
Dimension W's ED is pretty good, not as good as it's OP.
So I haven't read the comments section of Gabriella's Dimension W coverage, but given the negative reaction I'm seeing on other forums...
#nowwatching Dimension W
Been catching up on Dimension W. Only on episode 4 right now, but I'm really diggin' it.

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